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15th Oct 2020


EAT WITH ME is a Doctor's Notes exclusive series. We follow our favorite experts, friends and family of Dr. Barbara Sturm for one day to learn what they eat to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Who better to kick off this series than Dr. Barbara Sturm herself. Read on for her tips and advice.

When do you usually wake up in the morning? Can you tell us a little about your routine?

Around 7AM but it usually depends on when my little one, Pepper, wakes up - I wake up with her. First thing I do is drink a lot of water and then I make myself a latte with plant-based milk. I like to put on my hydrating FACE MASK while I drink my coffee.

Do you eat breakfast? if so, what is your go-to?

I always eat breakfast, it gives me the energy I need to start my busy work days. After my coffee I will usually have my Bircher Muesli with some fresh fruit. When I am with my family I love making this the day before with my girls. I also make sure to take my SKIN FOOD and REPAIR FOOD with a meal and I prefer taking them at the start of the day.

You can find my Bircher Muesli recipe here or watch the video below.

What about lunch?

For lunch most days I will have a nice, fresh salad with local ingredients. One of my favorites is my Feta Salad. I like adding fresh tomatoes, avocados, feta cheese and my home-made honey-mustard dressing topped with some creamy, aged balsamic. I often add a carb like some fresh bread or quinoa to make it more filling.

- BB's Favorite Feta Cheese Salad -



“Wherever I am, I like to eat ingredients that are fresh, locally sourced and in season. A nutritious and fresh salad is always a lunch go-to of mine, but only with organic ingredients. This is an easy, quick recipe I can even do when I am in the office.” – DR. BARBARA STURM


Serves 2

  • 1 fresh lettuce of your choice - I like Romaine
  • A handful of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 tbsp pine nuts (optional)
  • 1 cup of sweetcorn
  • ½ block of feta cheese (or other cheese alternatives)
  • Dressing:
    • 1 tbsp mustard
    • 1 tbsp honey
    • 6 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 tsp aged, creamy balsamic vinegar
    • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Quinoa or fresh bread to serve (optional)


  • Wash and chop the lettuce
  • Peel the carrot with a peeler then chop together with the tomatoes and avocado and add the sweetcorn
  • Gently toast the pine nuts in a medium heated pan
  • Crumble the feta cheese
  • Gently mix all of the salad ingredients together
  • Assemble the dressing, drizzle over the salad and enjoy

Tap to read full recipe

Do you snack throughout the day? If so, what are your favorites?

I don’t really snack but my daughter Pepper does. She’s six so I like to give her things that will satisfy her sweet tooth without giving her anything processed or from a package. She loves fresh fruit and her favorites are figs. When she’s craving chips for example I try to give her healthier alternatives.

If I do get hungry between meals I would rather have a smoothie filled with superfoods than a snack. One of my favorites is a purslane-based smoothie because it’s an amazing superfood as well as being the main ingredient in my topical products. You can blend fresh purslane with apple, orange and crushed ice for a delicious smoothie. It’s so nutritious and anti-inflammatory. It’s full of antioxidants, minerals and Omega-3 Fatty Acids and provides me with all of the nutrients my skin needs.

What's your ideal dinner?

A good Thai curry is one of my favorite meals; it’s comforting, warming and nutritious. Personally, I like vegetable based curries and I make a great one myself. Another easy dinner I like to make is fresh salmon teriyaki with seasonal roasted vegetables over some rice or quinoa.

- Dr. Barbara Sturm’s Simple Vegetable Thai Red Curry -



A no-fuss way to add a plethora of vegetables, healthy grains and fresh spices to your diet is with a simple vegetable curry. Dr. Barbara Sturm’s Vegetable Thai Red Curry couldn’t be easier to make and contains a variety of nutrient and antioxidant-rich vegetables which are essential for a healthy body. 

“This is one of my favourite dishes to make for the entire family; it’s easy, healthy, delicious and real comfort food! It’s also a great way of using up anything in your fridge that is leftover and in need of being eaten. You can make it your own by adding as many different vegetables as you like - the more vegetables the tastier the curry.” - DR. BARBARA STURM


  • A few slices of fresh ginger
  • A bunch of spring onions
  • Half or quarter of a chopped onion
  • Lemon grass
  • 4-5 carrots
  • 2 peppers
  • 1 broccoli
  • 1 large zucchini
  • A handful of mushrooms
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tin of coconut milk
  • 2 tsp red curry paste (or according to taste)
  • White jasmine or basmati rice


  • Wash, chop and prepare all of your vegetables and set aside
  • Take a large pan to a medium heat and add a few drops of sesame oil
  • Add onions first and let simmer for a few minutes
  • Add the spring onions and carrots to the pan, cook and simmer for a few minutes. Then add the rest of the vegetables and season with a little salt and pepper
  • Add two teaspoons of red curry paste and the coconut milk and leave to simmer on a lower heat
  • Thinly slice the ginger and add this to the pan, taste and season further if needed
  • Wash the rice with cold water to remove any extra starch. Add to a pan of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes
  • When the rice is done, remove from the heat immediately, drain and serve with the curry

Tap to watch and read full recipe

- Salmon Teriyaki and Roasted Vegetables -



“I love making this dish for the entire family. I would not call myself a master chef but this is truly an easy fool proof dish to make. It’s so yummy, nutritious, and you won’t mind having leftovers for the next day. So far, every time I have made it for guests I’ve gotten a “wow” in return. You can make the sauce yourself or alternatively in the US, there is a fantastic organic store bought version.” – DR. BARBARA STURM


Serves 4

  • About 16 ounces fresh salmon fillets (skinless)
  • ½ cup of soy sauce (less salty version)
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey or agave (according to taste)
  • 1-2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp corn starch or konjac flour
  • Freshly minced ginger
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • A bunch of spring onions
  • Fresh vegetables of your choice, such as:
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and pepper to tase
  • Rice or quinoa to serve if desired


  • Prepare the sauce by mixing the soy sauce, honey, lemon, corn starch, ginger and sesame sauce. Try it for taste and add more honey / soy if desired
  • Add sauce and salmon to a bowl, make sure it’s entirely covered in the sauce and leave it in the fridge for about an hour
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius
  • Slice carrots, broccoli and other vegetables according to your preference
  • Mix vegetables in olive oil, salt, pepper and a touch of lemon
  • In the meantime, cook rice or quinoa if desired as a side dish
  • Spread vegetables evenly on a baking tray and put in the oven for about 20-30 minutes. Check half way and turn vegetables; test with a fork if they are cooked and extend time in oven accordingly
  • Place salmon in an oven-safe tray and put in the oven for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, check if the middle is still raw. If yes, keep it in the oven but do check frequently to ensure it does not get too dry. Add chopped spring onions about two minutes before it’s done.
  • Serve with the vegetables and rice or quinoa

Tap to read full recipe

What about dessert? Do you have a sweet tooth?

I absolutely have a sweet tooth. I try to live my most anti-inflammatory lifestyle but I will say dessert is where I let myself indulge. One of my favorite desserts is my daughter Charly’s lemon cake.

Do you have a favorite cocktail/mocktail or drink?

I don’t drink much alcohol but once in a while I enjoy a good glass of wine with dinner or a lychee martini. Besides that, lots and lots of water!


Charly Sturm is a long term member of Team Sturm and one of our regular Doctors Notes contributors. She grew up learning about the importance of science behind skincare and the key aspects of living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.


Charly Sturm


15 October 2020